The overwhelming response was my beloved Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 08.
So… Here ya go! :)
The Simpler instruments in the file are as follows:
P8 Saw - Basic single oscillator Prophet sawtooth.
P8 Square - Basic single oscillator Prophet square wave.
P8 Pulse - Basic single oscillator Prophet pulse/rectangle wave.
P8 2x Fifths - Two octaves of fifth intervals. Super thick and Mau5-ish.
P8 Big Octaves - Four octaves of a basic dual-oscillator patch. "Undertaker" and "Ghosts-n-Stuff" fans are gonna love this one.
P8 Detuned Saws - One of the hallmark sounds of ALL Prophets.
P8 Deep Drone - Big, throbbing detuned bass drone.
P8 Sync Sweep - Long slow hard sync sweep with tight short loop at the end. If you want to have a lot of fun with this patch, start by adjusting the sample start point. You'll see ;)
P8 Res Sweep - Resonant sweep with a touch of white noise and a tight loop at the end. As with the Sync Sweep patch, try tinkering with the start point.
As with the Minitaur and Doepferheim packs, these Simplers in their default state, with filtering, LFOs and envelopes off, so you can use them as starting points for your own sounds.
I did handle the looping tasks myself, because several friends commented that it's rather tough to get them right if you're inexperienced with the process.
Here's a fun aside: The "Marina" lead sound is in this collection, but it requires some additional programming. See if you can find it.
Here's the Ableton Live file containing the presets.
Francis Preve - Prophet 08 6-pack
(compatible with Ableton Live 9.7 and higher)
Note 1: If you like any of these sounds and want to keep them for future tracks, just click the little save button in the upper right corner of the Simpler and add it to your library (it will copy the waves too).
Note 2: If you don't use Ableton and just want the C3 samples, you can download the file and fish the waves out of the "Samples" folder, then use them in your DAW or sampler of choice.
Much love, kids.